Monday, 16 March 2009

Means of transportation

Means of transportation, nowadays are seen like a car or an airplane, mostly motorized transports. But what would people do before they invented the weal? Would they stay always in the same place? No, they even moved more than we do today. They were nomades and they moved with their legs. After they invented the weal, they moved around with timber weals. Why am I bringing this up? I connect moving with immigration, therefore with multiculturalism. If we couldn´t move by boat or by airplane, we wouldn't be able to cross oceans and there would be a lot less immigration, causing a minor multicultural society, leading to beatings and prejudice more acurate than we see now on the public streets. So, I believe that transports, any kind we can find, are very useful and very much needed. But, speaking of some of the topics from last term, we should abuse so much of them, in order to atenuat the damages in the environment.

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